Human-AI Interaction and Visualization 


2024.9) I serve on Program Committee of ICLR 25 (International Conference on Learning Representations)

2024.9) I serve on Program Committee of IEEE PacificVis 25 (TVCG Journal and Conference Track)

2024.8) 연구재단 중견연구 과제 선정

2024.7) Congratulations!  Ju Won Kim (undergraduate intern)  wins an award from the KCC conference. She continues her research on Time-series and Finance AI as an MS-Ph.D. student at HAIV from 2024 Fall.

김주원 연구실 인턴 학생 한국컴퓨터 종합 학술대회 KCC 논문 우수상 수상 축하합니다 (논문 주제: Finance AI)

2024.7) Congratulations! Our paper on comics visualization generation with graph data is selected for publication at IEEE VIS 24 (first author: Joohee Kim, Ph.D. Student). She will present the work in Tempa Bay, FL, USA in October. 

김주희 박사과정 최우수 (top-tier) 학술대회 IEEE VIS 24 논문 ACCEPT 축하합니다

2024.7) Congratulations! Our paper on automated math reasoning is selected for publication  at AI4MATH workshop at ICML 24  (first author: Duc Nguyen, undergraduate intern). Duc continues his research on Software Engineering with LLMs at HAIV as an M.S. student from 2024 Fall. 

2024. 6) Congratulations! 이현욱 박사과정 디펜스 완료 축하합니다! 

이현욱 박사는 UNIST AI 대학원 본원 학부 출신 첫번째 박사입니다. 

2024. 6) Congratulations! Ju Won Kim (undergraduate intern) and her colleagues win the 2024 hackathon on disaster and safe data. She continues her research on Finance AI as a MS-Ph.D. student from 2024 Fall. 

연구실 김주원 인턴 학생 팀 2024 재난 안전 데이터 해커톤 대회 최우수상 수상 축하합니다

2024.3) I serve on Program Committee of IEEE VIS 24 

2024. 2) Our lab is selected as LG Electronics Target Lab! 

우리 연구실이 LG 전자 Target Lab 으로 선정 되어, 연구실 소속 인턴/대학원생은 LG 전자 취업 관련하여 다양한 옵션/혜택이 있습니다. LG전자 채용 연계 AI/CS 대학원 진학 및 LG 산학 장학생 상담 원하는 학생은 이메일 주세요

2024.2) Congratulations!  Hyotaek Jeon (undergraduate intern)  wins an award from the KSC conference. He continues his research on LLMs as an MS-Ph.D. student at HAIV from 2024 Spring. 

전효택 연구실 인턴 학생 한국소프트웨어 종합 학술대회 KSC 논문 장려상 수상 축하합니다 (논문주제: Mobility)

2024.2) I serve on Executive Committee of AI Society of KIISE (한국정보과학회 인공지능 소사이어티 이사) 

2024.1) Congratulations! Our paper on time-series forecasting with Mixture of Experts is selected for publication at ICLR 24 (first author: Hyunwook Lee, Ph.D. Candidate). He will present the work in Vienna, Austria in May. 

이현욱 박사과정 최우수 (top-tier) 학술대회 ICLR 24 논문 ACCEPT 축하합니다 

2024.1) I serve on Program Committee of IJCAI 24 (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

Sungahn Ko (고성안) 

Associate Professor (Tenured) 

Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

School of Computer Science and Engineering

UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology), Korea

Office:  Bldg. 106 401-10, Fax: 052-217-2128



Current Research Interests:



Dr. Hyunwook Lee, Publications:  IEEE VIS 24, ICLR 24 (1st), IEEE VIS 22 (1st), ICLR 22 (1st), CIKM 22, ICDE 21 (1st, short), WWW 21

Dr. Seungmin Jin 

Graduate Students:

MS-PhD Program

김주희 Joohee Kim (MS-PhD program Since 2021, lab internship: 2020), Publications: IEEE VIS 24 (1st),  IEEE TVCG 23, TVCG 22, CIKM 22, WWW 21

김성욱 Seongouk Kim (MS-PhD program Since 2023, lab internship: 2021~2022), Publications: CIKM 22

전효택 Hyotaek Jeon (MS-PhD program Since 2024), lab internship: 2023 

김주원 Ju Won Kim (MS-PhD program Since 2024), lab internship: 2023~2024

M.S. Program

이민식 Minsik Lee (MS Program Since 2024, lab internship: 2023, LG전자-UNIST 채용 연계 장학생) 

Duc Minh Nguyen (MS Program Since 2024, lab internship: 2023~2024),  Publications: IEEE VIS 24 

Current Intern Members: 

- AI/CSE 대학원 진학 및 연구실 인턴 관련 상담 원하는 학생은 (Transcript, Resume, Research Interest&Plan) 포함해서 이메일 주세요.  

Graduate Alumni

2024 이현욱 (PhD, 전문연 Postdoc at HAIV), Publications:  ICLR 24 (1st), IEEE VIS 24, IEEE VIS 22 (1st), ICLR 22 (1st), CIKM 22, ICDE 21 (1st, short), WWW 21

2023 임홍규 (MS, first job at Hyundai Motors R&D Center)

2022 최승형 (MS, first job at Hyundai Mobis), 주혜신 (MS, first job at Naver ZEPETO)

2021 한윤하 (MS, first job at NC Soft), 김휘연 (MS, first job at 경남은행)

2020 이충기 (MS, now PhD program at Harvard CS), 김기환 (MS, first job at 티맥스연구소, 석사병특), 한동윤 (MS, now PhD program at USU), Gorahk Parsad (MS)

2019 오주영 (MS, first job at Hyundai Motors R&D Center

2018  Kuatbek Mukabak (MS, first job at Sapa Software)

Past Undergraduate Interns

2023~2024 Duc Minh Nguyen(Major: CSE, 2024 HAIV MS 진학)

2023~2024 김주원 (Major: CSE, 2024 HAIV MS-PhD 진학)

2023 전효택 (Major: EE, 2024 HAIV MS-PhD 진학)

2021~2022 김성욱 (Major: CSE, 2023 HAIV MS 진학, 2024 MS-PhD 전환)

2020 김주희 (Major: CSE, 2021 HAIV MS-PhD 진학)

2019 이현욱 (Major: ECE, 2020 HAIV MS-PhD 진학)

2018 김휘연 (Major: Design, 2019 HAIV MS 진학)

2017 김기환 (Major: ECE, 2018 HAIV MS 진학)

2016 이충기 (Major: ECE, 2018 HAIV MS 진학), 오주영 (Major: ECE, 2017 HAIV MS 진학)

*Technical Program Committee:

ICLR (2025)

IJCAI (2024)

IEEE VIS (2022-2024), VIS Short (2022, 2023)

IEEE Pacific Visualization (2020-2025, TVCG&Conference Track), Visualization Notes Notes Co-chair (2023), Visualization Notes Committee (2018-2024), Sponsorship chair (2017) 

CHI Workshop on Computational UI Designs (2022-2024

Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (2023)

International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2021, 2024

Korea Computer Graphics Society, Executive Committee (2021-Present), Program Committee (2016--Present), 한국컴퓨터그래픽스 학회 이사

AI Society of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Executive Committee (2024-Present), 정보과학회 인공지능 소사이어티 이사

*Paper Reviewer: 

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019, 2021-2025

IEEE VIS  2016-2024, IEEE VIS Short 2020-2023 

IEEE Pacific Visualization 2017-2024

IEEE VR 2024, ISMAR 2024

IJCAI 2024 Human-Centered AI Track 

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2021, 2023

EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2017, 2020-2022

Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 2021, 2022

Journal of Information Visualization (JVIS), 2022, 2024

Computers and Graphics, 2024

ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp/IWMUT), 2020~2023

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2021

ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2020, 2021

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), 2016, 2019, 2020

IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2021

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2020--2023

ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), 2021

ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2018

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A), 2017

Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE), 2021-2022


Engineering Programming (2017 Spr)

Object-oriented programming (2016 Spr, 2017 Fall, 2018 Fall, 2019 Spr)

Information Visualization (2016 Fall, 2019 Fall, 2020, 2021, 2023 Spr), Human-Computer Interaction (2018 Spr, 2021 Spr)

Mobile Computing (2020 Fall)

Visual Analytics (2016 Fall, 2017 Fall), Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (2018 Spr, 2020 Spr), Advanced Information Visualization (2019 Spr, 2021, 2023, 2024 Fall)

*Community Service

Ulsan City Advisory Council Member 울산광역시 정책 자문 위원회 자문 위원 (2023~)

Ulsan Smart City Project Committee Member  울산시 스마트 도시 사업 협의회 자문 위원 (2021~2022)




UNIST Address: 401-10, Bldg. 106, UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea.

우편번호 44919, 울산광역시 울주군 언양읍 유니스트길 50, 울산과학기술원, 106동 401-10호

Lab.: 106동 404호