*Example CS top-tier conference lists:
---------- (To be) Submitted/Under Revision
*H. Jeon et al., Argument Mining with LLMs (ACL RR)
*H. Lee et al., New loss function design for TS Forecasting (ICLR)
*Duc Nguyen et al., Software Engineering/ Bug Fixing with LLMs (CHI)
---------In Preparation/Working Papers
*H. Lee et al., TS forecasting (ICLR)
*J. Kim al., Youtube Analysis (WWW)
*J. Kim al., Mental Healthcare (Ubicomp)
*JW Kim et al., Finance AI (IJCAI)
*H. Jeon et al., Spatio-temporal LLMs (IJCAI)
*H. Lee et al., TS forecasting (IJCAI)
*H. Lee et al., Mamba (ICML)
*J. Kim et al., Viz Salience Framework (IEEE VIS)
*H. Lee et al., Alt Text (IEEE VIS)
*S. Kim et al., Book Reading in VR (ISMAR)
*H. Jeon et al., Light-weight LLMs
*H. Lee et al., Cycle GAN
*J. Kim et al., Bias in Data Journalism (TVCG)
*S. Kim et al., Pres. Training in VR/MR
*J. Kim al., LLM Mental Health
---------- Selected Publications (bold: lab members, *: corresponding)
Links: Google Scholar, dblp, Semantic Scholar
-Joohee Kim, Hyunwook Lee, Duc M. Nguyen, Minjeong Shin, Bum Chul Kwon, Sungahn Ko**, and Niklas Elmqvist
DG Comics: Semi-Automatically Authoring Graph Comics for Dynamic Graphs (2024)
-Hyunwook Lee and Sungahn Ko**
TESTAM: A Time-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Attention Model with Mixture of Experts (2024)
The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
-Hwiyeon Kim, Joohee Kim, Yunha Han, Hwajung Hong, Oh-Sang Kwon, Young-Woo Park, Niklas Elmqvist, Sungahn Ko**, Bum Chul Kwon.
Towards Visualization Thumbnail Designs that Entice Reading Data-driven Articles (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 30(8), Pages 4825-4840, IF: 5.226
-Duc Min Nguyen, Sungahn Ko**
Technical Report for ICML 2024 Automated Math Reasoning Challenge: Solving Optimization Problems with Open Source Large Language Model (2024)
ICML 24 Workshop AI4MATH
-Minjeong Shin, Joohee Kim, Yunha Han, Lexing Xie, Mitchell Whitelaw, Bum Chul Kwon, Sungahn Ko*, and Niklas Elmqvist
Roslingifier: Semi-Automated Storytelling for Animated Scatterplots (2023)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 29(6), pages 2980 - 2995, IF: 5.226
-Seungmin Jin, Hyunwook Lee, Cheonbok Park, Hyeshin Chu, Yunwon Tae, Jaegul Choo, and Sungahn Ko**
A Visual Analytics System for Improving Attention-based Traffic Forecasting Models (2022)
-Hyeshin Chu, Joohee Kim, Seongouk Kim, Hongkyu Lim, Hyunwook Lee, Seungmin Jin, Jongeun Lee, Taehwan Kim and Sungahn Ko**
An Empirical Study on How People Perceive AI-generated Music (2022)
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Pages 304--314
-Joohee Kim, Seongouk Kim, Sungahn Ko**
Toward Modeling Video Browsing Behaviors and Designing New User Interfaces for Video Exploration (2022)
Computational Approaches for Understanding, Generating, and Adapting User Interfaces, CHI 22 Workshop
-Hyunwook Lee, Seungmin Jin, Hyeshin Chu, Hongkyu Lim, Sungahn Ko**
Learning to Remember Patterns: Pattern Matching Memory Networks for Traffic Forecasting (2022)
The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
-Dongyun Han, Gorakh Parsad, Hwiyeon Kim, Jaekyom Shim, Oh-Sang Kwon, Kyung A Son, Jooyoung Lee, Isaac Cho, and Sungahn Ko**
HisVA: A Visual Analytics System for Studying History (2021)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 28(12), pages 4344-4359, IF: 5.226
-Hyunwook Lee, Cheonbok Park, Seungmin Jin, Hyeshin Chu, Jaegul Choo*, Sungahn Ko**
An Empirical Experiment on Deep Learning Models for Predicting Traffic Data (2021)
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), short, pages 1817-1822
-Yunha Han, Hwiyeon Kim, Hyeshin Chu, Joohee Kim, Hyunwook Lee, Seunghyeong Choe, Dooyoung Jung, Dongil Chung, Bum Chul Kwon, Sungahn Ko**
Wait, Let's Think about Your Purchase Again: A Study on Interventions for Supporting Self-Controlled Online Purchases (2021)
The Web Conference (TheWebConf., WWW), pages 2476-2487
-Chunggi Lee, Yeonjun Kim, Seungmin Jin, Dongmin Kim, Ross Maciejewski, David Ebert, and Sungahn Ko**,
A Visual Analytics System for Exploring, Monitoring, and Forecasting Road Traffic Congestion (2020)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 26(11): 3133-3146, 2020, ISSN: 1077-2626, IF: 4.558
-Cheonbok Park, Chunggi Lee, Hyojin Bahng, Taeyun Won, Kihwan Kim, Seungmin Jin, Sungahn Ko*, Jaegul Choo*
STGRAT: A Spatio-Temporal Graph Attention Network for Traffic Forecasting (2020)
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pages 1215-1224
-Chunggi Lee, Sanghoon Kim, Dongyun Han, Hongjun Yang, Young-Woo Park, Bum Chul Kwon, Sungahn Ko**,
GUIComp: A GUI Design Assistant with Real-Time, Multi-Faceted Feedback (2020)
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) , Pages 1-13
-Hwiyeon Kim, Juyoung Oh, Yunha Han, Sungahn Ko**, Matthew Brehmer, Bum Chul Kwon
Thumbnails for Data Stories: A Survey of Current Practices (2019)
IEEE VIS, short
-Sungahn Ko, Isaac Cho, Shehzad Afzal, Calvin Yau, Junghoon Chae, Abish Malik, Kaethe Beck, Yun Jang, William Ribarsky, David S. Ebert
A Survey on Visual Analysis Approaches for Financial Data (2016)
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 35(3):599-617
-Jiawei Zhang, Benjamin Ahlbrand, Abish Malik, Junghoon Chae, Zhiyu Min, Sungahn Ko, and David S. Ebert
A Visual Analytics Framework for Microblog Data Analysis at Multiple Scales of Aggregation (2016)
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 35(3): 441-450, 2016
-Sungahnn Ko, Jieqiong Zhao, Jing Xia, Shehzad Afzal, Xiaoyu Wang, Greg Abram, Niklas Elmqvist,, Len Kne, David Van Riper, Kelly Gaither, Shaun Kennedy, William Tolone, William Ribarsky, David S. Ebert
VASA: Interactive Computational Steering of Large Asynchronous Simulation Pipelines for Societal Infrastructure (2014)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS), 20(12):1853-1862
-Sungahnn Ko, Shehzad Afzal, Yang Yang, Junghoon Chae, Abish Malik, Yun Jang David Ebert
Analyzing High-dimensional Multivariate Network Links with Integrated Anomaly Detection, Highlighting and Exploration (2014)
IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Sciences and Technology (IEEE VIS), p83-92
-Chen, V.Y., Razip, A.M., Ko, Sungahn, Qian, C.Z., and Ebert, D.S.
Multi-aspect Visual Analytics on Large-scale High-dimensional Cyber Security Data (2013)
Information Visualization, 14(1), 62–75, 2013
-Maciejewski, R., Pattath, A., Ko, Sungahn, Hafen, R., Cleveland, W., Ebert, D.
Automated Box-Cox Transformations for Improved Visual Encoding (2013)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 19(1): 130-140
-Sungahn Ko, Jang, Y., Maciejewski, R., Ebert, D
MarketAnalyzer: An Interactive Visual Analytics System for Analyzing Competitive Advantage Using Point of Sale Data (2012)
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 31(3):1245-1254
-Sungahn Ko, KyungTae Kim, Tejas Kulkarni, Niklas Elmqvist
Applying mobile device soft keyboards to collaborative multitouch tabletop displays: design and evaluation (2011)
Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS, currently ISS), p130-139
-KyungTae Kim, Sungahn Ko, Niklas Elmqvist, David S. Ebert
WordBridge: Using Composite Tag Clouds in Node-Link Diagrams for Visualizing Content and Relations in Text Corpora (2011)
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), p1-8
-Man-Keun Seo, Sungahn Ko, Kyu Ho Park
NLE-FFS: A Flash File System with PRAM for Non-linear Editing (2009)
IEEE Transactions On Consumer Electronics, 55(4):2016-2024
-----------------------Domestic Publications
*이재성, 김기환, 이충기, 고성안, 시각화 기반 딥러닝 분석 기술, 소음 진동, 제 27권 제6호, 20-24, 한국소음진동공학회, 2017
*오유상, 이충기, 오주영, 양지현, 곽희나, 문성우, 박소환, 고성안, 비주얼 애널리틱스 연구 소개, 한국컴퓨터그래픽스, 제22권 제5호, 27-36, 2016
*김승규, 한동윤, 고성안, 박영우, AirScope, Excellence Prize (우수상), Creative Award, Exhibition, HCI Korea, 2018, [VIDEO]
*Yunha Han, Chunggi Lee, Sanghoon Kim, Sungahn Ko*, System Architecture for Progressive Augmented Reality, MobiSys, 2019 (Poster)
*Kihwan Kim, Sanghoon Kim, Chunggi Lee, Sungahn Ko*, Modeling Exploration/Exploitation Decisions through Mobile Sensing for Understanding Mechanisms of Addiction, MobiSys, 2019 (Poster)
*Kuatbek Mukabak, Meirambek Omyrzak , Sungahn Ko*, Insight Provenance In Learning, PacificVis, 2017 (Poster)
7 고성안, 최승형, 수요기반 버스 서비스 데이터 분석 및 수익 최적화를 위한 시각화 장치, 등록일: 2024/8/29, 등록번호: 10-27021333, 출원일: 2021/12/9, 10-2021-0175909
6 고성안, 김휘연, 섬네일 이미지 생성 방법 및 장치, 등록일: 2022/7/19, 등록번호: 10-2424342, 출원일: 2020/11/24, 10-2020-0158870
5 고성안, 한윤하, 최승형, 증강현실 기반 차량용 인포테인먼트 시스템 및 차량용 인포테인먼트 시스템 운용 방법, 등록일: 2022/6/29, 등록번호: 10-2416446, 출원일: 2020/9/23, 10-2020-0123121
4 고성안, 이경한, 한윤하, 우선순위 기초하여 저지연 증강현실 정보 제공 하는 방법, 장치 및 시스템, 등록일: 2021/6/4, 등록번호: 10-2263633, 출원일: 2019/11/28, 10-2019-0155582
3 고성안, 이충기, 모바일 환경에서 그래픽 유저 인터페이스 디자인을 보조 하는 방법 및 장치, 등록일: 2021/3/3, 등록번호: 10-2225356, 출원일: 2019/1/4, 10-2019-0001190
2 고성안, 이충기, 도로 교통 정체 탐사, 모니터링 및 예측을 위한 대화형 시각화 분석 시스템, 등록일 2020/6/23, 등록번호 10-2127639, 출원일: 2018/7/10, 10-2018-0079727
1 박영우,고성안,김승규,한동윤, 에어스코프: 투명 디스플레이를 활용한 전세계 미세먼지 탐색 및 시각화 장치, 등록일: 2019/12/9, 등록번호: 10-2054379, 출원일: 2018/7/18, 10-2018-0083657
*고성안, 이현욱, 교통 예측 위한 패턴 기억 방법 및 기억 이용을 위한 딥러닝 방법론, 출원일: 2022/9/13, 10-2022-0115196
*고성안, 임홍규, 실시간 수요 탑승 차량 경로 생성 프레임워크, 출원일: 2022/6/29, 10-2022-0080002